Tuesday, June 19, 2012

See More Paintings or Fine Art Prints
at the following websites:

 Bluebonnet Lake by Linda Hass

Birdbath by Linda Hass

Miss Mona by Linda Hass

 Hawaiian Cove by Linda Hass


  1. beautiful paintings Linda, I really love them! so many hidden talents and surprises behind the FB faces, gotta love it:)

  2. Margreet, thanks for you comment. I hope you view all my paintings. I have about 30 for the visitor on Facebook, to see under SHOP. The greeting cards make great gifts.

  3. Announcement: I have just finished redecorating and updating my website at: http://www.CountryArtsGallery.com
    I would love to invite you all to come by for a visit. I have all my Original Oil Painting listed there with large picture of each. You will be able to see the other art project I have.
